Site Location: Site Info

Goal of

The goal of this site is to provide information about digital imaging, with particular emphasis on:

  1. using Photoshop to create color correct, appropriately sharpened images
  2. printing to large format profiled printers, such as a LightJet or an Epson Photo printer
  3. using stitching to increase the effective resolution of the captured image

In the Technique section of this web site I have included some articles and tutorials I have written on the above 3 topics. You can also check out the Links section for my recommendation of other web site to visit for more info on these and other photography related topics.

A secondary goal of this web site is to give something back to the photographic community. For years I have benfeifed from the information I have gleaned from other people's web sites. I've downloaded photoshop actions, read product reviews and have been inspired by other's photo's. I hope that some of the information on this web site may prove useful to you.

This web site is created and maintained by Osman Eralp. Feel free to send me email.

About the design of

Simplicity. As in photography, it's my goal in web design. I try to provide readers with the information the need in the most effifient manner. I'm sure that someone will deride me as a contrarian for eschewing the "professional" web design practices of fancy flash splash scrrens, javascript rollovers and complex graphics. But that's the beauty of the web: each person can express themselves in the manner they feel is most appropriate.

The home page of this site contains no frames, tables, javascript or flash. Instead I rely on CSS (Cascading Stlye Sheets) to provide dynamic content. I feel that frames are undesirable because they prevent the bookmarking of pages within a site. Even with my basic CSS skills I have no need for tables: CSS provides much more flexibility in the layout of page elements. One of the common uses of javascript is to provide "rollovers" that change the look of a button when the mouse hovers over it. The same capabilities are available using CSS and the "hover" selectorxxx. I've seen some great uses of flash, but often flash is used simply as the entrance page of a web site, a practice that, in my opinion, only serves to distance the reader from the content they came to find.

Many of the ideas for the coding of this site have come from other sites. The multi-column layout is seen on many web sites. An excellent reference for designing multi-column pages is Here Eric Costello provides several examples of two, three, and 4 column layouts. The idea for the hover text in the menu bar at left comes from Eric Meyer's web site: